The management team of Leisuresec and all its personnel are committed to the quality of our services and stated quality objectives
Leisuresec quality policy has been established specifically to enable the company to achieve sustainable and profitable growth by providing security services which routinely satisfy and where possible exceed the expectations and requirements of its customers and other key stakeholders (including employees of the company as internal customers).
The scope of BS10800:2020 Code of Practice and ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System is focused on the provision of Security Services including but not limited to Security Guarding, Mobile Security Services, Key Holding & Response Services, and Door Supervision, and security screening of individuals, throughout the United Kingdom. This is achieved using experienced security professionals, to provide bespoke solutions to our customers.
- Leisuresec will maintain a Quality Management System to meet the requirements of the most recent British Standards BS 7960, BS 7499, BS 7858 and BS EN ISO 9001:2015 and the ACS standard. This will be communicated and understood by all personnel through induction training, Security Operatives Code of Conduct, Assignment Instructions and its importance and understanding verified during site visits and internal audits.
- We will continually try to improve the level of customer satisfaction.
- We shall develop and promote a culture of continuous improvement for our service and Quality Management System.
- We will maintain a profitable operation to establish our competitive position in the market and reward our shareholders.
- We shall determine our interested parties and the impact and needs they have from the business.
- We shall assess our risks and opportunities in order to manage and support the business appropriately.
- The performance of the QMS and our quality & security objectives will be reviewed to ensure their effectiveness and continued suitability at annual management review meetings.
- Leisuresec is dedicated to the continuous training needs of our personnel.
- The policy will be available to all relevant, employees and interested parties.