An act which intentionally or recklessly causes violence to another.
The Security Operative(s) should first establish:
Are there any injuries?
If there are any suspected broken bones or significant injuries then seek medical help first, then call the police on 101.
If no significant injuries are apparent consider:
- What has happened?
- Who is involved?
- Is there any history between the individuals involved?
- Are there any safeguarding concerns? If YES — Refer to Leisuresec designated Safeguarding lead
Are there any aggravating factors?
- Is there any evidence of injuries?
- Is there evidence of escalating behaviour? Or previous incidents of a similar nature?
- What is the impact on the victim?
- What are the victim’s wishes?
- Are there any hate elements?
- Is the assault gang-related?
- Were weapons involved? (see weapons flow chart for the definition of a weapon)
see attached flowchart below